FAQ - General / Troubleshooting

Yes! But at the moment teachers can only filter Q&A in their inbox, so we only recommend this for homework. The rest of the quizzes appear at random for students and thus may be difficult to track.

Talkie is currently a mobile app only. As we’re a small start-up, we thought it best to stick to one platform for now. The decision to go mobile was down to the fact that we want Talkie to be a habit-forming tool, used regularly by students in their own time. In order to do so, we want it to be as frictionless as possible. Having said that, we also acknowledge that not everyone has access to a mobile phone and are thus looking into viable solutions.

Currently, we’re only looking at including French in the foreseeable future. This will be rolled out in a few months’ time along with Talkie 2.0.

If all goes well and we’re able to hire specialists for German/Italian/other languages, then why not? 😊

Check if your phone is on silent (I’ve done this a few times!). If it’s not on silent and you still can’t hear the recording, please contact us at hello@talkietheapp.com.

Please check your junk folder. If it’s not there, kindly let us know at hello@talkietheapp.com and we’ll look into it for you.

FAQ - GDPR and Data Protection

We ensure that we collect only the personal data that is necessary for users to sign-up to the Talkie App, create a profile and take part in tasks and activities to improve their language skills. We have a UK Data Protection registration ZA796458 with the UK regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). We have published a Data Protection Notice.

We ensure that the information and personal data that we collect are held in secure computing facilities. Talkie App has been designed using secure methods in line with industry standards and the latest technology. 

The information and personal data held by the App are stored on computer servers in the United Kingdom and the European Union. Our payment services and marketing services providers may from time to time require personal data to leave the UK or European Economic Area for processing. Where this happens, we will ensure that these activities are in line with GDPR and UK Data Protection Act. 

Talkie App has been built in line with the design principles of the UK Information Commissioner’s Office Children’s Code (Age Appropriate Design Code of Practice). We provide information in a way that can be easily understood by children and young people and we apply data protection by design methods. Talkie App collects only the personal data required for users to register and use our services. Users are given control over their personal data and we limit the sharing of personal data and information with third party external organisations.

You can email us at privacy@talkietheapp.com or write to us at Talkie App Data Protection, Talkie Ltd, Lytchett House, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Poole, Dorset BH16 6FA, UK.

Do you have a question? Feel free to email us anytime.